Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kalian pasti bertanya-tanya kenapa dari kemaren aku mosting dengan judul "NOTHING"? (sok tau deh gue) soalnya aku bingung harus ngasih judul apa._. karena apa yang aku posting berubah ubah sesuai dengan mood yang aku punya #ekyaaa

Like ussual, baca postingannya Dian sama Rahma dan aku mendapat inspirasi untuk memosting jadi pengen posting juga._. What should we talking about?(okeh grammar gue emang ancur v--)

For the first time aku pulang sekolah jalan-jalan sama temen di suatu mall cerita-cerita jalan-jalan do this and that :D (kamu pasti bakal pengen pulang duluan kalo kamu ikut Ma._.). Habisnya tadi bosen, kalo pulang sendirian dan si Vianka mau beli sketchbook. Yasudah aku sama Vianka ke Gale. Dan.. do u know what we mostly talking about? LOL, something that we NEVER talk with our friends before!!! Yeah putih abu-abu itu bener bener beda ya. About her piiiip about "aku bingung" because of them because of this and that but it still related with that thing-____-"

Kalo dipikir-pikir, entah kenapa sekarang aku ngerasa bakal sedih pisah sama @empaxfouria. Banyak hal yang akhir-akhir ini ngingetin sama kelas. Umm, aku barusan baca tweetnya @dailyteenwords

"Sometimes, the strongest person in the morning are the ones who cry themselves at night, you never know what they felt and happened to them."


That's fact.. umm maybe? Bikin inget makrab. Beberapa hari lalu ngomongin Makrab sama Touring duluuu sama.. Vianka atau Rahma ya? Dan itu bikin aku sedih kalo inget "It's almost over" padahal aku udah nemu posisi duduk yang enak, ngerasain betapa bedanya semester 1 sama 2, mulai reveal some stories , dan semuanya AAAAA *ngopo toh Des*.

Rasanya.. ada sesuatu. Aku nggak tau apa itu, bahkan aku nggak bisa bilang di sini soalnya aku juga nggak tau gimana bilangnya. Rasanya ada sesuatu berhubungan sama @empatxfouria, nggak tau apa itu. Rasanya aneh campur-ampur. Efek mau pisah? I'm not sure, I don't really think so? Rasanya sedih.. *eh* waktu kita tinggal dikit tapi pas disekolah cuma dateng pagi atau bahkan ngaret terus setengah siangnya pergi. Pengen masa KBM lagi dimana pagi dateng suranya gitar, istirahat gitar(kadang sama jimbe), pada nyanyi-nyanyi. I'm sure I'll miss it. Pasti bakal jadi yang paling aku kangenin :( gimana besok kelas 11? Pasti awal masuk masih pada sedih semua-______-

Ah udah ah aku bingung, sampe sekarang aku masih bingung tentang ini dan itu. Kapan aku bakal nemu jawabannya? Biar waktu yang menjawab #ekyaaa


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bingung, aku bingung. Tadi tu semacam tiba-tiba galau gimanaaa gitu(?). Udah enggak sih. Yaah, sekarang tiba-tiba keinget bentar lagi pisah sama anak-anak xfouria :( oke nggak sepenuhnya pisah, setidaknya nggak sekelas. Ya mungkin bakal ada yang sekelas, tapi pasti tetep ada yg nggak. Bisa disebut pisah kan ya?-____- But.. like what our @empatxfouria's admin said,

As we go on
We Remember
All the times we had together
As our life change
Come whatever
We will still be friends forever

"Vitamin C - Friends Forever"

Keep in touch guys :')

Besok hari terakhir UKK. And do u know? I didn't study perfectly-____- Masih belajar sih tadi. Tapi entah kenapa gara2 baca blognya Rahma aku jadi pengen posting. Tadi sih sempet kepikir "I want tell about this and that" tapi gara2 makan feel buat posting tentang itu jadi ilang-_____-
Aaaa I understand something but I pretend I don't understand. Why? Because I don't know am I understand at all. It's like, umm I feel like I understand, but in other side I can't understand it. It makes me confuse *sigh* What should I do?

I don't know what to do now
Confusion is all over me

"Mocca - Dear Diary" 

AAAAAA I CAN'T DESCRIBE IT IN WORDS!!! I'm driving crazy, huh?-..- LOL 
But I feel so lucky because I have many friends :) Yeah my friends are not perfect, somtimes me(and my friends) think "uh, why he/she did that?" but that's life. Nothing perfect, right? No matters what happen to, if I'm at school and my friends around me I just feel happy. Maybe because I'm the only child in my family?._. Tell about anything, laughing around, just walking around and talk about this and that. Those're make me feel better :))
Umm, High school is interesting. I found and do MANYYY NEW THINGS here. I've got new experiences, sometimes I laugh if I remember. Haha :D I feel better here. I mean for "frienship". Because they've made me enjoy my high school days, thanks guys :* About study.. I think middle school is better *ups* :X

I think that's all. Mau belajar lagi buat besok, see ya :D