
Boo bee boo ba

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Hell-o umm no I mean hello. Actually I don't know why I'm writing this post right now I'm just oh-so-bored(when I actually still have tasks to do ugh damn). And I'm not really good at choosing title either for a post or a story that I write (yes I wrote some fanfiction -and even have a on going novel project with my friend- but always ends up never done it. except for oneshot story. yes I just ever wrote a oneshot story=_=), that's why I just randomly use "boo bee boo ba" as the title of this post lol

So.. let's see what can we talking about hmm... oh! my holiday will be started from January 1st until December 15th. Well you can say it's a long holiday because it's 1 and a half month!! My longest holiday is 2 weeks I think and I already bored to death after a week. Doing unproductive things at home until I don't even know what should I do anymore. SO WHAT I SUPPOSED TO DO IF MY HOLIDAY WILL BE 1 AND A HALF MONTH LONG AND I WILL BE HOME ALONE AT LEAST UNTIL AFTERNOON SINCE MA PARENTS ARE TEACHER AND SCHOOL(I mean like elementary school, middle school, and high school) WILL BE STARTED ON JANUARY 5TH.

K, actually it's still final exam weeks and I still have 2 exams left. But I already thinking about ma holiday kkk sorry. But really I still can't imagine how bored I'll be=__= I can't go out and playing around with ma friend everyday since I don't have money trees.

Ah I remember something... Yesterday I talked with my friend Ujhe about what should I do on my holiday and she said.. SHE AND GEGEK WILL GOING TO SPORE-MALAY UGH SHE MAKES ME REMEMBER ABOUT TRAVELLING :(( I want to travel too hiks but it's too late since they already bought the ticket. So I just can ask them to buy something for me kkk THEY BETTER REALLY BUY ME SOMETHING HUH -,-

 It's 11:48PM on Wed and I'm still so bored I think I gonna continue to read novel maybe I wom't be bored anymore. See ya

Ps. I'm so happy because now we have amusement park here. Gonna go there on holiday, that's a must!!


hmm.. hi

Monday, December 22, 2014

Iseng buka daftar pos blog ini, ternyata udah hampir setahun nggak posting. Perasaan baru berapa bulan yang lalu dah..... Terakhir posting waktu masih kelas 12 bahkan sebelum unas, masih ngurus film, eh sekarang malah udah mau UAS.

UAS? Yeah right. It'll be started tomorrow. And here I am sit in front of my laptop (which always have lag-and-not-responding moment in every second -like before I write this sentences- which is really frustating GEEZ) write a post on my blog at 11pm, not studying like other engineering student (yes I'm an engineering student now) who will have test.

Hahaha sounds weird? No. FYI now I'm an architecture student. Yeah aku salah satu orang yang (Alhamdulillah) beruntung bisa jadi mahasiswa architektur UGM 2014. Nah, sebelumnya aku pernah denger ada yang bilang "anak arsi tu pas hari biasa sibuk, tapi kalo pas ujian malah selo". Well, mungkin ini yang dimaksud. Besok UAS studio and the only thing that I need to do tomorrow is tanda tangan sama ngumpul cd foto tugas besar. Terus udah deh mau ngapain juga terserah. Tugas besar udah dinilai sebelumnya.

Hmm.. let's see... sebenernya nggak ngerti mau nulis apa. I'm just bored. Karena lama nggak buka blog jadi iseng buka blog terus liat postingan following. Isinya kpop semua=___= yes I'm a kpoper. But... now I just like kpop for their music. Dulu mah juga ngikutin kabar artisnya. Ya macam kalo di sini nontonin gosip di tv lah cuma ini nge follow web nya. Namanya juga luar negeri. Yakalik ada beritanya di tv. Mungkin karena efek lingkungan ya, sebagian besar lebih suka barat, dan waktu buat update berita juga nggak ada, lama lama bosen juga. Jadi kalo liat berita kpop cuma "skip skip skip". But still, since I like all genres of music I still like kpop. Kalo inget cuma buka k2n buat dl lagu yang bagus.

K, balik lagi ke liat following blog. Karena kpop semua jadi skip skip skiiiip(yang akhirnya beberapa blog tak unfollow). Dan aku memutuskan mau liat blog temen aja. Walaupun sebenernya... cuma Dian satu satunya blog temen yang (setauku) masih aktif (and interesting of course. Bacotanmu kece kok yan lanjutkan!!). Di post terakhir yang sebenernya udah sebulan lalu, kebetulan Dian ngomongin masalah acquaintance sama friend. Hmm... entah kenapa pas banget, akhir akhir ini lagi pernah ngomongin tentang sekedar 'kenal' dan beneran kenal.

Sebenernya semua ini karena sesuatu.... pokoknya sesuatu lah ya yang bikin aku sadar "I just 'know' them". Kerasa lah bedanya. Kalo cuma sekedar 'kenal' itu pasti bakal kerasa banget awkwardnya walaupun cuma sekedar nyapa 'hai'. That's why I stopped say 'hi' to them. I just feel awkward and I don't like that feeling. That's why now I just smile at them not instead. Ya gimana kalo kamu say hi ke orang tapi awkward atau kamu nyapa udah berusaha biasa aja tapi sananya yang awkward atau malah nggak dibales sapa dan itu berulang terus=_= Let's just wait until we know each other, not just 'know' each other like 'oh ya itu si A, itu si B' gitu doang. Tau nama aja belum tentu kenal, apa lagi kalo nggak tau nama cuma tau orangnya. That's mean they just recognize you instead of know you. Ini bukan fans and idol kayak di tipi tipi k, since we meet them everyday :)). Kalo yang namanya beneran kenal itu nyapa nggak cuma sepihak, mau segimana awkwardnya kalo kedua belah pihak pernah nyapa duluan itu bakalan jadi nggak awkward soalnya pasti bakal mikirnya 'ah dia juga nyapa berarti it's ok lah kalo besok lagi nyapa'. Yeah itu berdasar apa yang terjadi sama aku sendiri sih ya. Entah apa pikiran orang lain sama kayak aku apa enggak.

Ah udahlah masalah sapa menyapa ini kok ya jadi ribet sih :" ya tapi mau gimana lagi, emang ribet.... keadaan yang meribetkannya. Keadaan.. posisi... since it's about junior and senior, the thing that I talked about before. Hmm..